We hear the phrase life is short so many times throughout our (apparently short) lives. We are told to do the things we want to do, live each day as if it was our last and tell people you love them as much as possible. As much as this is a cliché it’s so bloody true.
Someone I know has recently come to the UK from across the other side of the world for a few months and they are visiting so many places in the UK and Europe as they know they only have a couple of months to do it in. They have visited a number of places I have always wanted to go and it got me thinking…………
We don’t seem to visit the places we want, we think we have forever and it can wait a few more years. Sometimes, a few more years doesn’t come. We keep pushing it back, adding more years on then suddenly there’s no more years left.
Because, this person knew they were only in the UK for a few months they made an effort to visit all the places they could think of and truly made the most of their time. We don’t make the effort because, well in my experience we know that we can kind of go any time as it is only ‘down the road’ why make big plans, “I’ll go next summer.”
I know some places need a ton of cash but I am talking about the cute little village a few hours’ drive away that you can visit and be back in one day. A style of dress you have always wanted to try and have always looked at it and thought ahh I’ll do it on my next shopping trip.
We kind of take these things for granted and think that they will be there waiting for us when we are ready. We don’t sit and wait around for other things to be ready for us why should they wait. Anything can happen. Don’t wait.
I urge you to go make plans for that place you’ve always wanted to visit in the UK and make sure you go. Book that restaurant you’ve always wanted to try. Buy that bottle of wine you’ve always liked the look of. Take that dance class. Later may never come and we deserve to experience these things now.
Let me know where we are off huns and send me an invite to that restaurant 😝