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Murder She Wrote

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

Those who know me, know I am a scared little bitch when it comes to anything horror, even the Simpsons Halloween special has put the shits up me on several occasions. I once had to leave a sleep over early in high school because those fuckers made me watch Scream. I will never forgive them for that. I still can’t see the Scream mask without getting the heebee geebees and wanting to run away and cry.

Yet, when it comes to a murder series I am there with bells on and I will sleep like a little angel after it. Thank you and good night.

Show me anything with a mask or clown and I am out. My sister made me watch IT when we were kids and I still haven’t recovered. I will often lie in bed thinking about that creepy little shit (the clown not my sister), staying as still as I can so he can’t get me. Back off bitch I’ll smash your face in.

Throw me a serial killer that murders women in their homes and I won’t give it a second thought. Keep someone held captive in a Perspex box (I’m looking at YOU Joe), sure give it to me. A serial killer that likes to prey on women and cut off their limbs, I mean gross but me and my popcorn will thoroughly enjoy and it won’t give me nightmares.

Lately, I have become obsessed with Criminal Minds thanks to my bestie (it’s on Disney+ weirdly if you want to watch) and if I don’t get in at least one episode each day I am sad. I’m like a crack whore needing my next fix. Give it to me!!!

I also love the cast and was thrilled when I discovered there are like 16 seasons and still going. I do love me some Agent Morgan and I want to be BFFs with Penelope please and thanks.

I’ve noticed a lot of social media videos lately of men taking the piss because we enjoy it so much. First of all, hun don’t even get me started on the inappropriate stuff you watch and second of all you should be scared as I am learning some handy murdering tips here.

The way I see it is, it gives us women ideas on how to stay safe and try to avoid these psychopaths as best we can. I have also been practicing my self-defence moves to jab you in the dick should you ever approach me from behind. Look out you sick fucks, I’ll have ya.

Let me know if you have any recommendations for me.

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