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New Year Who Dis?

I really struggled writing this as I didn’t want to offend anyone and I didn’t want to seem like that dickhead who is on the whole new year let’s eat leaves for lunch saga (I did in fact have a salad for lunch and I hate myself for it already. Bring back the tin of Roses and the left-over turkey please hun.) I was tappity tapping away at my laptop pulling all the faces, thinking this is absolute shit Nik, hun now get it together and write what you really want to.

So, I thought fuck it all. This is my post, my website, I’m writing the damn thing and if you think I’m a dickhead well then so be it. You’re wrong I am delightful but you can think it.

I’ve seen so many posts, memes you name it banging on and on about eww new year new me bullshit piss off you’re an arsehole merp merp merp. Well yes, Kevin I may be an arsehole but I am going to be a delightful arsehole achieving my goals and dreams and living a happier life. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, hun.

Some years I don’t wish to improve. I am an absolute delightful arsehole and a dickhead rolled in to one and I will remain that way for yet another year. Thank you and good night. You are welcome.

For me, refocusing on my goals (read trying to get my shit together, yet again LOLs) is something that keeps me sane. Having something to focus on stops me going into a downward spiral, and makes me happier. If I didn’t do that, I would just be lying here in a pit of Christmas cheese, pigs in blankets, covered in tinsel and hoping Carol won’t notice that the Christmas tree is still up. What do you mean, it’s always been here like this hun.

Wanting to improve yourself/your life can happen anytime of the year, but reevaluating at the start of a new year personally always gives me that extra pep in my step and, sometimes I need that extra kick up my ass to go after the things I have always wanted. A reminder that it’s a new year and I still haven’t achieved a certain goal or made the life I want for myself. Now, grow up Nik and get shit done.

My point is, if you want a new year new me, fucking do it hun. If you don’t want to do anything about your life because you are happy, can’t be arsed, don’t see the point then don’t. We don’t need to tear each other down, or slag others off just because they are deciding to do something you don’t want to.

They aren’t asking you to go skydiving with them, or to try out a new workout class. They aren’t dragging you kicking and screaming to a cult they have just found online that is just a group of like-minded people and definitely not a cult. Okay, Boris hun, you do you, but I don’t wish to marry several strangers to save the planet. Good for you but imma stay over here.

My goals for this year;

Write more – I need to get back to my goal of one blog post per week and not being a lazy wench after work and just go for a lie down.

Lose Weight – That five and a half stone I lost several years ago then COVID came and ruined my soul and I ate and drank everything I could see to keep my sanity. But, now I am left feeling and looking like a Teletubby (and not even the good one), my arse keeps following me around and I’m not able to fit my rings on the same fingers anymore. How very dare you.

I am writing them here to keep me accountable. You have my permission to shout run piggy piggy if you see me eating anything unhealthy in the streets or lying on the sofa after work.

New Year. New me. Bullshit, or just a necessity?

Feel free to write your goals for the year below and we can help each other achieve them.

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